Kink and Flourishing Study

The first large-scale scientific exploration of flourishing through kink.

Introducing the Kink and Flourishing Study

Recent research has debunked the notion that kink is inherently pathological, revealing its potential as a catalyst for trauma healing and improved mental well-being. The Kink and Flourishing Study aims to support those findings, delving into the “why,” “how,” and “how often” of flourishing due to kink experiences. This research will break new ground in destigmatizing alternative sexualities and positively recognizing the role of kink in personal growth and healing.


For questions or press inquiries please contact us at The Informed Consent is available for download below, in the FAQ.

Study Participation Information

Thank you for your interest in this study! Participation has closed as of October 2024.

Primary Study Goals
  • Increase knowledge about how kink experiences can influence healing from past trauma
  • Explore how kink practices can impact wellbeing
Supporting Study Goals
  • Reduce stigma, increase awareness, and inform healthcare practices
  • Create educational resources for kink communities, the public, and healthcare providers
  • Promote understanding, improved mental health support, and the recognition of kink’s healing potential

History of the Kink and Flourishing Study

This project grew out of the work of co-principal investigator Julie Lehman, a therapist in the San Francisco Bay Area with extensive experience working with the kink community. Dreaming and planning for this project began in 2022, after many conversations between Julie and Richard Sprott, the TASHRA Research Director, about how to explore these questions.

Julie’s training in AEDP (Accelerated Experiential Dynamic Psychotherapy), designed specifically to address recovery from trauma, inspired a focus on experiences of personal growth, self-actualization, and healing in the context of kink and BDSM. In June 2022, we formed a research team to plan a series of studies that would explore kink and flourishing. Our first step is a survey to understand the big picture:

  • How many kinky people have experienced personal growth or healing through kink?
  • Are there subgroups of kinky people who experience growth or healing more than others?
  • Under what conditions does personal growth or healing through kink happen?

As of 2024, we have completed data collection for this study, and we are excited to be exploring this positive side of kink!


In the USA:

  • Emergency: 911
  • National Domestic Violence Hotline (USA): 1-800-799-7233 
  • National Suicide Prevention Lifeline (USA): Dial or text 988
  • SAMHSA National Helpline: 1-800-662-HELP (4357) or TTY 1-800-487-4889
  • NAMI (National Alliance for Mental Illness) Helpline: 1-800-950-NAMI (6264)
  • Veterans Crisis Line: 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
  • Disaster Distress Helpline: 1-800-985-5990 or text “TalkWithUs” to 6674
  • Trans lifeline: 1-877-565-8860
  • Trevor Project Helpline for LGBTQ+ youth and young adults: 1-866-488-7386 or Text: START to 678-678
  • BlackLine: 1800 604 5841 (BIPOC & QTBIPOC support)
  • Self-Harm Hotline: 1-800-DONT CUT(1-800-366-8288)
  • Essential local and community services: 211,
  • Planned Parenthood Hotline: 1-800-230-PLAN (7526) 


Outside of the USA:


Participants were eligible for this study if they . . .

  • Had engaged in kink behaviors or fantasies
  • Were of adult age where they lived
  • Could complete a survey written in English

To help get the word out about this study, you can check out our Recruitment Materials Package. You can also repost our announcements on socials!

Yes! When you donate on GoFundMe, you can elect to hide your personal details. You can also manage these settings after you make your donation.

For general study questions, please reach out to the study email: To get in direct contact with the researchers, please contact Richard Sprott ( or Julie Lehman (

The Informed Consent for this study is available for download here.

Kink and Flourishing – Stay in Touch!

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