The Alternative Sexualities Health Research Alliance (TASHRA)

Complaint Resolution Procedures

TASHRA is committed to conducting all activities in compliance with the American Association of Sexuality Educators, Counselors and Therapists Code of Ethics & Conduct for AASECT Certified Members (, and the Ethical Principles of Psychologists and Code of Conduct ( TASHRA will adhere to all legal and ethical responsibilities to be nondiscriminatory in promotional activities, program content, and the treatment of program participants. Monitoring and assessment of these standards will be the responsibility of the Continuing Education Administrator.

While TASHRA makes every attempt to assure fair treatment for all participants, occasionally complaints will arise about continuing education programs. The procedures for addressing complaints are as follows:

When a participant files a complaint, either orally or in written format, and expects action on the complaint, the following actions will be taken.

1.         If the grievance concerns a speaker, the content presented by the speaker, or the style of presentation, the individual making the complaint will be asked to put his/her comments in written format. The CE Coordinator will then pass the comments on to the speaker, assuring the confidentiality of the complainant.

2.         If the complaint concerns a workshop offering, its content, level of presentation, or the platform or facilities in which the workshop was offered, the CE Coordinator will mediate and attempt to resolve the complaint. If the participant requests action, the Coordinator is empowered to:

a.         attempt to move the participant to another workshop, or

b.         provide a credit for a subsequent workshop, or

c.         provide a partial or full refund of the workshop fee.

Actions 2b and 2c will require a written note, documenting the grievance, for record keeping purposes. The note need not be signed by the grieved individual.

3.         If the complaint is made after the program has occurred or concerns the TASHRA CE programming more generally, the TASHRA Complaint Panel will address it as follows:

a.         Request that the complainant submit a written complaint and propose an appropriate remedy,

b.         provide the instructor(s) with the opportunity to respond to the complaint and propose an appropriate remedy,

c.         review these documents, make a final determination, and decide on any remedy.

If these action steps fail to resolve the problem, AASECT should be contacted at [email protected], or APA should be contacted at

For further information, contact the Executive Director of TASHRA, Anna Randall, LCSW, DHS, at [email protected] or at [email protected].  You can also contact us at TASHRA, P.O. Box 812, Rio Vista, CA  94571