No matter where you are in the World, TASHRA invites you to join our team. Our team includes researchers, psychologists, sex therapists, physicians, healthcare providers, sex educators, undergrad, graduate, and post-graduate students, and community members. We value open communication, equal opportunity for input, accountability, and mutual respect. Most of our team is located on the West coast of the United States, so we often build our schedule around Pacific Standard Time.
TASHRA’s management team meets virtually on a weekly or bi-weekly basis and conducts most meetings on Zoom. We will do our best to work with you to align your contribution to TASHRA with your schedule and interests.
Become a volunteer
Volunteers are crucial to the work of TASHRA. We have volunteer opportunities in several areas: community outreach and education, research projects, developing health resources, managing our literature library, and helping with special projects.

Ask about Our Internships
Interns positions with TASHRA are positions where a student is involved in a program that requires internship experience, and so there is an agreement between the intern, their program or home institution, and TASHRA. Examples include interns from the Center for Positive Sexuality, or interns from various graduate programs in counseling psychology, public health, sociology or mental health.
Join a Research Team
TASHRA welcomes scholars, clinicians and scientists interested in kink & health to join our research efforts by becoming research affiliates. We have different types of affiliations depending on what stage of career development a person is at: Senior Research Scientist/Scholar, Research Scientist/Scholar, or Research Associate.
Research affiliates execute or are involved in research that is conducted or supported by TASHRA. For research affiliates, TASHRA can be cited as the institutional affiliation for the individual scholar, clinician or scientist. TASHRA research associates will have a designated liaison who is a TASHRA Officer, or is the Principal Investigator of a TASHRA affiliated research project. Research affiliates are formally appointed by the TASHRA Executive Director.